6th Monteverdi-Madrigal-Week 2024
Basso Continuo - Registration
S. Agnese - Gesuati, Venice
Sunday, 21st til Friday 26th July 2023
'Onde chi suona leuto, essendo stromento nobilißimo fra gl´ altri, deve nobilmente suonarlo con molta invenzione'
(Therefore he who plays the lute, being a noble instrument among others, must nobly play it with much invention; Agazzari 1607)
In his famous "Favola In Musica", "L' Orfeo", Claudio Monteverdi also wanted "Duoi Chitaroni" as part of a rich basso continuo. These instruments are the ideal accompaniment instruments in early Baroque vocal music, especially for the monodies. Alongside the ubiquitous lutes of this period, they are ideally suited to supporting the singing in a sensitive and efficient manner.
Our aim on this course is to learn how to play the basso continuo on chitarrone/theorbo/lute/baroque guitar directly in practice with many singers, and where the basics of continuo playing are already present, to progress further in depth. Instrument-specific questions and problems can also be discussed, as Julian Behr is also a lute maker in addition to his work as a musician and teacher.
The course is also recommended for interested amateur and professional lute players who would like to improve their solo playing. Prospective students who are interested in studying the lute at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis are very welcome to get to know each other on this course.
Course fee 480€, students 380€ - accommodation not included - it must be organized by the participants themselves.
(*) = required,
Please transfer the course fee to the account:
Mag. Johann Fromhund
IBAN: AT30 4715 0403 8642 0000
'Monteverdi Week Basso Continuo 2024'
Once the fee transfer has been registered, your place on the course is secured.
Cancellation policy:
until 31.5.2024 a full refund (-10% handling fee)
until 7.7.2024 a 50% refund, after that no refund (if possible find a substitute participant)
'It was a wonderful week, and if it works, I'll be back next year. What a nice idea to play Monteverdi's music in 'her birth city'. I already told you that I am enthusiastic about your workshop.' (Dagmar Ziegner, Königswinter)
Julian Behr (Basel)
Basso Continuo
Julian Behr initially studied classical guitar and lute with Prof Dr Mario Sicca and Robert Barto at the Musikhochschule in Stuttgart.
After postgraduate studies with Joachim Held at the Hamburg Conservatory, Julian Behr studied early music and lute instruments at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel with Hopkinson Smith. From 2007 to 2011 he taught lute at the Nuremberg University of Music, and since 2020 he has held a professorship for lute at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
As a soloist and continuo player, he has performed at festivals in most European countries and in South America, including with the Capricornus Consort Basel, the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Al Ayre Espagnol, Passions de L'Ame, B'Rock and with the altos Franz Vitzthum, Benno Schachtner and Andreas Scholl, the sopranos Maria Cristina Kiehr, Ulrike Hofbauer and Hana Blazikova and the tenor David Munderloh.
In addition to solo and chamber music projects, his work also includes participation in baroque opera productions. He is a regular lecturer at the summer course for early music in Neuburg/Danube.
His work is documented on over 50 CD recordings. His work is complemented by research and lectures on lute-related topics, as well as research into and reconstruction of historical lute instruments.

'It is a lot of fun to work with you on the madrigals! You are a great team and you transfer your enthusiasm to the group. The Madrigal Week is a great experience - a wonderful interplay of the unique atmosphere of Venice, the great music of Monteverdi and the good mood of the group during the rehearsals - and also outside the rehearsals.' (Britta Heiermann, Rommerskirchen)