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    Mag. Johann Fromhund


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    'European Mass Project Venice 2025'

    Cancellation policy:

    until 14.4.2025 a full refund (except for a processing fee of 10%)

    until 30.4.2025 a 50% refund, after that no refund (if possible find a substitute participant)

    Your preparation

    Get here the notes and the audio files for your preparation

    Click here to go to the Audio files.

    Choose the movement and the Vocal Part you need. And then practice practice practice...

    Attention Sopranos: the link to the Gloria is incorrect. Please use this file to practise the Gloria:

    Here you can find another possibility

    Click here for the Youtube Video of the Mozart Mass.

    The 1. Webinar with the musical explanations for the Kyrie, Gloria and Sanctus was on Wednesday, 5th March, 19:00 - watch here the recording!

    The 2. Webinar with the musical explanations for the Credo, Agnus and the Ave verum corpus will take place on Wednesday, 9th april, 19:00 - save the date!


    Theresa Hemedinger (AUT) - Sopran

    Born and raised in Klagenfurt. Studied music education, instrumental music education and instrumental and vocal pedagogy for piano and classical singing at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, graduating with distinction. She has been teaching at Viennese secondary schools since 2001 and has many years of stage and concert experience as a singer and soprano soloist: participation in various Austrian choirs and ensembles, in numerous CD and radio recordings. Concerts at home and abroad (e.g. Minneapolis, Oslo, Madrid). As a soprano soloist she has worked with well-known conductors such as Adam Fischer, Johannes Kalitzke and Peter Keuschnig. Engagements at the Carinthian Summer, the Salzburg Festival, the Haydn Festival Eisenstadt, Klangbogen Wien, the Vienna Festival Weeks, Wien Modern and Neue Oper Wien. Composer and arranger mainly in the choral and ensemble field, predominantly a cappella, commissions and requests from numerous directors and responsible persons. Co-founder and artistic director of the vocal ensemble "Alxingers", awarded gold diploma at the competition in Graz 2012. Recording director for several CD and radio recordings.

    Eugenia Zuin (IT) - Alt

    She obtained her singing diploma at the 'Benedetto Marcello' Conservatory of Music in Venice under the guidance of Prof. Elena De Martin, while pursuing humanistic studies in parallel, culminating in a degree in Modern Literature at the University of Padua (2006), with a thesis in Musical Philology.
    She has been in demand as a soloist since her time as a student at the Venetian Conservatory: Carissimi's Oratorio Judicium extremum; Vivaldi's Gloria; Tisbe in G. Rossini's Cinderella at the Teatro Malibran in Venice; and Nerina in Padre Martini's intermezzo Il Don Chisciotte (first performance in modern times) at the Teatro Verdi in Padua.
    In 2006, she began an active collaboration with the choir "La Stagione Armonica" directed by Maestro Sergio Balestracci, with whom she participated in various productions directed by Maestro Riccardo Muti at the Festspielhaus in Salzburg and as part of the "Ravenna Festival".
    In 2007, she was assistant contralto at the Choir of the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari. Between 2009 and 2011 she sang as contralto soloist with the Musical Chapel of the Basilica del Santo in Padua conducted by Maestro Valerio Casarin. She sang as contralto soloist in Händel's Dixit Dominus, with the Choir "Città di Piazzola" conducted by Maestro Paolo Piana.
    In the following years, she debuted the role of Dorabella in Mozart's Così fan tutte (2012), of Zita in Puccini's Gianni Schicchi (2014), of Mamma Lucia in Cavalleria Rusticana, and at the same time deepened her German and French chamber repertoire with AltoContraltoTrio.
    In June 2016 he performed G. Verdi's Messa da Requiem in Hamburg, and in October of the same year he performed in a baroque concert in the Dominikanerkirche in Vienna.
    In 2017, she returned to Hamburg to perform Villa Lobos' Magnificat and was engaged at the Saint Merry church in Paris in an opera recital with the Amicantica group. In the same year, she participated in Bach's Passion according to Matthew at the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza.
    She performed Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle on several occasions. In recent years, her repertoire has expanded with performances of Bach's cantata Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, Händel's Messiah, Mozart's Coronation Mass K 317 and Stravinsky's Mass.
    In 2022 she was invited to perform Mozart's Requiem on the tour (Possagno Temple, Basilica dei Frari in Venice, Basilica dei Santi Apostoli in Rome) on the occasion of the bicentenary of Antonio Canova's death, with the Orchestra Gruppo d'Archi Veneto and the choir En Clara Vox.
    In 2023 he performed Vivaldi's Stabat Mater at the Temple of San Nicolò in Treviso.

    Diego Rossetto (IT) - Tenor

    Holding a degree in lyric singing from the Conservatory Be- nedetto Marcello in Venezia, he started very young his study of piano and also approached the world of singing, letting his growing passion for this art guides him, and taking part in youth choirs.
    In his formative years attended numerous masterclasses on contemporary and baroque music where, among the leading maestros, he met Claudio Ambrosini and Sara Mingardo.
    In 2015 started a vocal technique improvement path under the guidance of bass Vito Maria Brunetti and subsequently of tenor Paolo Barbacini. Several theater productions of operas in Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Sicily involved him as part of the cast in soloist and secondary roles. Among these we re- member: Commissario di polizia and Bruschino figlio in Ros- sini’s Il signor Bruschino (Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza), Arlecchi- no in Goldoni’s lyric comedy Le Donne Gelose on music by A. Zambon (Teatro Vivaldi in Jesolo and Teatro Giovanni XXIII in Belluno), the Ispettore in Donizetti’s Le Convenienze e Inconve- nienze Teatrali and Teodoro in Il Giovedì Grasso at Teatro Mario Del Monaco in Treviso, Cassandro in Mozart’s La finta semplice at Teatro Sociale in Rovigo. He also played one of the guards in Mancuso’s contemporary opera Il ritorno dei Chironomidi at Teatro Malibran in Venezia and Gastone in Verdi’s Traviata, role played in three different directions at Forte of San Briccio in Lavagno, Teatro Mario Del Monaco in Treviso, Teatro Comu- nale in Ferrara, Teatro Sociale in Rovigo and Teatro Antico in Taormina.
    Between 2015 and 2017 he performed in some choral pro- ductions: Verdi’s Messa da Requiem, Rossini’s Italiana in Al- geri, Bach’s Passione Secondo Matteo, Cherubini’s Messa da Requiem, Mozart’s Ratto dal serraglio and Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermor.
    Furthermore, he recorded as soloist and chorister Rossini’s Pe- tite Messe Solennelle at Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza with Velut Luna label, to sing it again later as soloist at Duomo of Pieve di Soligo, near Treviso. Malibran venetian theater saw him having his bedut as main tenor in Zingarelli’s Romeo e Giu- lietta in the role of Everardo and later landing the role of the Marchese della Conchiglia in Piccinni’s La Cecchina at Teatro Mario Del Monaco in Treviso.
    He is also the soloist tenor in Vivaldi’s Gloria in D Major, RV 588 at the Duomo of Asolo and in Mascagni’s Messa di Gloria in Fa Maggiore.
    In 2022 attended the Galà della Cultura “Testimoni del nostro tempo”, organized by Federazione dei Comuni del Campo- sampierese, where he has been awarded the recognition of Witness of Culture of Campodarsego (PD) Municipality.

    Peter Kellner (GERM) - Bass 

    Peter Kellner comes from southern Bavaria and studied with Andreas Jaeckel in Munich, Josef Greindl in Vienna and Heather Hartinger in Salzburg.
    Coaching with Adrian Baianu, Munich and Hannes Fromhund, Krems/Danube.
    He has been active as a singer since the mid-1980s and his repertoire (bass-baritone, drama and character roles) ranges from opera and operetta to musicals. His favourite roles include Don Pasquale, Doctor Bartolo ("The Marriage of Figaro") and Daland ("The Flying Dutchman"), Zsupan ("The Gypsy Baron") and Jupiter ("Orpheus in the Underworld") as well as the milkman Tevye ("Anatevka").
    He has expanded his repertoire in recent years with new roles such as Emperor ("Im Weißen Rössl" at the Kiel Opera), Falstaff ("The Merry Wives of Windsor"), Doolittle ("My Fair Lady"), Father in "Beauty and the Beast" and, most recently, Gremin in "Eugene Onegin".
    Opera for children is his particular passion, and he has sung Geppetto in "Pinocchio" and the Sea King in "The Little Mermaid", among others.
    Raylieto, the leading role in the newly composed opera "Aurona" (based on an old Dolomite legend), is in preparation. Aurona is the name of an enchanted gold mine in the Dolomites.
    Peter Kellner wrote the text himself, the music was composed by Hansjörg Mutschlechner from South Tyrol.

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    (campo di Sant' Agnese)